Tag Archives: Open Source

Quiet, yet productive

While this blog has been quiet, we have been rather productive.

Aaron Harper has been working with Jeremy Wright of Mach 30 to enhance and update the Shepard Test Stand as well as the Ground Station. Design improvements are based on the need and/or desire to kitify both projects.

There have been discussions on how to best update ODE as well. The website has some issues that need resolved by either an update or new code. It has also come to the attention of those that work with ODE, that they have created a Virtual Makers Space.

Last, but not least, Aaron has retooled his workshop to be more efficient and will be making various adjustments as time and funding allows. Further adjustments will be made when kits for Shephard or the ground station begin production.

Mach 30’s 4th Birthday

Mark January 27th on your calendar.
Mach 30 is celebrating its 4th birthday and you’re invited!  We will be gathering over Google Hangouts (On-Air) and Twitter.  Learn more and RSVP over at Eventbrite (http://goo.gl/jvxK9).  And don’t forget to tell your friends.
Be there at 2pm, EST! Cake, rockets, games and lots of good chatter about space.